Zombie was directed, edited, written by and shot by Axel Raighn with assistance from Tyler Henning (Final Presentation Lighting Specialist) and D. Scott Dixon who worked on the original script, direction and original concepts. The music video and vision became re-scripted and completely rein-visioned for the final presentation to showcase darker concepts the artist Que'dell wish to have showcased.
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BlueTips by Young Tykoon was directed, edited, written and shot by Axel Raighn. With suggestions provided by the artist Young Tykoon. The music video and the inspired artistic vision were centered around city life, friends and the artists interests within the music industry.
Watch Out was exclusively directed, partially written and filmed by D. Scott Dixon with assistance from Axel Raighn as a photographer and secondary camera man. This music video was the first project shot for the artist Young Tykoon and focused the artists personal interests.